Can you do surrogacy without agency?


For those who are unable to conceive naturally, surrogacy is an alternative. Intended parents have the option to carry out an independent surrogacy without the aid of an agency, use a friend or member of their family as a gestational carrier, or locate a surrogate on their own. Yet, because there are so many steps in the surrogacy process and it can be complicated, it’s critical for prospective surrogates and intended parents to conduct thorough study before choosing an autonomous path.

What is Surrogacy?

A woman carries a child for a person or couple who is unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term on their own through the process of surrogacy. Traditional surrogacy, where the surrogate mother is genetically linked to the child, or gestational surrogacy, where the surrogate mother carries an embryo made from the intended parents’ or donors’ egg and sperm, are two ways to carry a child.

Agency Assisted Surrogacy

In agency assisted surrogacy, prospective parents collaborate with a surrogacy agency to identify a surrogate mother and manage the surrogacy procedure. Throughout the surrogacy process, the organisation offers assistance to both the intended parents and the surrogate mother. Agency fees, however, can be expensive, costing anywhere from $30,000 to $50,000 or more.

Private Surrogacy Arrangement

Finding a surrogate without the aid of an agency is part of a private surrogacy arrangement. Working with a friend or family member, finding a surrogate online, or through personal contacts are all options for doing this. Compared to agency-assisted surrogacy, private surrogacy can be more economical, but it also entails more work and responsibility on the part of the intended parents and surrogate mother.

Finding a Surrogate Without an Agency

Without an agency, obtaining a surrogate might be difficult because you have to personally research and identify a suitable surrogate mother. Potential surrogates must go through a thorough screening procedure that includes background checks, physical and psychological examinations, and legal agreements. To make sure they are both emotionally and financially prepared for the surrogacy process, intended parents must also go through a screening process.

The Independent Route

For intended parents who are ready to do the work of finding a surrogate and navigating the surrogacy process on their own, choosing to complete an independent surrogacy can be a viable option. The process may take longer and demand more work, but it may also be more cheap and provide you more control over the surrogacy procedure.

The Surrogacy Process

Finding intended parents or a surrogate mother, going through medical and psychological testing, signing legal documents, and going through fertility treatments are all milestones in the surrogacy process. Working with experts who have experience in the surrogacy industry is vital to guarantee that every step of the process runs successfully. Each step demands careful consideration and planning.


Both intended parents and surrogates can experience fulfilment and rewards through the surrogacy process. While agency-assisted surrogacy can offer assistance and direction during the procedure, it can also be expensive. Independent surrogacy can be more cost-effective, but it demands more effort and accountability from both the intended parents and the surrogate mother. The intended parents’ and surrogate mother’s particular circumstances and preferences ultimately determine whether to seek surrogacy and whether to cooperate with an agency or complete the procedure on one’s own.


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