Why Surrogacy Agencies Screen Surrogates: Ensuring a Successful Surrogacy Journey

Surrogacy is a complex and emotionally charged process that involves many parties, including the intended parents, the surrogate mother, and the surrogacy agency. One of the key roles of surrogacy agencies is to carefully screen potential surrogate mothers to ensure that they are physically, emotionally, and mentally prepared for the journey ahead.

Ensuring the Surrogate Understands the Process

Surrogacy agencies have a responsibility to ensure that surrogate mothers fully understand the surrogacy process, the risks involved, and the legal implications of becoming a surrogate. This involves providing education and counseling to prospective surrogates, including information about the medical and psychological aspects of surrogacy, as well as legal considerations such as contracts and compensation.

Determining She is Healthy Enough for Surrogacy

One of the primary reasons for screening surrogate mothers is to determine whether they are physically healthy enough to carry a pregnancy to term. Surrogacy agencies require medical evaluations, including physical exams and medical history reviews, to rule out any medical conditions or health issues that could make pregnancy risky for the surrogate or the intended parents.

Confirming that She is Emotionally Ready for Surrogacy

Surrogacy is an emotionally intense experience that can be challenging for all parties involved. Surrogacy agencies conduct psychological screenings to assess the mental health and emotional stability of potential surrogate mothers. This is to ensure that they are emotionally ready to handle the unique challenges of surrogacy, including the emotional impact of carrying a child for someone else and the potential difficulties of relinquishing the child after birth.

Ensuring She Has the Support She Needs

Surrogacy agencies also have a responsibility to ensure that surrogate mothers have the support they need throughout the surrogacy journey. This includes providing access to counseling and support services, as well as working with the intended parents to ensure that they are supportive of the surrogate throughout the process.